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Friday 31 March 2023

Hedda with friends

My girlfriend's name is Hedda and she is very bisexual. She is good at getting her girl friends along and this is the first film we shot with one of her friends Annie. Hedda has a demand on me when I film her with a friend. I have to be naked so her friend doesn't feel any discomfort towards me.
Hedda and I have a regular sex life between us that we both enjoy.

Sophie is one of Hedda's oldest friends and she is always radiantly happy and it rubs off on everyone. Hedda and Sophie have had sex for many years long before I came into the picture


1 comment:

  1. Hedda and Annie - a really sexy clip. More, please!



 We had decided to make a slightly more exciting film. We have filmed some but mostly at home or out in nature where we were sure no one cam...